Academic and Cognitive Benefits of Being Bilingual from a Young Age

Benefits of Being Bilingual

As of 2019, the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) warned that in Costa Rica, only 12% of the population is bilingual.

However, it’s common to hear about the benefits of speaking two or more languages, but have you considered how advantageous it can be for your children to acquire bilingual skills from an early age, especially when it comes to mastering English?

From our vast experience at BMS, today we share a series of academic and cognitive benefits of being bilingual from a young age.

7 Advantages of Learning English from a Young Age:

Enhanced Cognitive Development:

Bilingual children tend to develop superior cognitive skills, especially in areas such as problem-solving, selective attention, and working memory. This aids them in tackling academic challenges with more ease and adaptability.

Improved Multitasking:

Being accustomed to switching between two linguistic systems, bilingual children often show an enhanced ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

Access to Two or More Cultures:

Beyond the cognitive aspect, being bilingual offers rich cultural exposure. This can broaden horizons and allow children access to a variety of literatures, traditions, and ways of thinking.

Academic Benefits:

Studies have shown that bilingual children tend to outperform in standardized tests, both in verbal and mathematical areas. Moreover, having a second language often facilitates the learning of a third or fourth language later in life.

Cognitive Flexibility:

Bilingualism promotes the ability to think flexibly and creatively. Bilingual children tend to be more adept at seeing things from different perspectives and adapting to new situations.

Advantages in the Working World:

In the long run, mastering two or more languages prepares youths for professional opportunities in a globalized world. More and more companies value bilingualism as a key skill.

Benefits of Being Bilingual

Delay in Cognitive Decline:

Although it’s a long-term benefit, bilingual individuals have been observed to experience a delay in age-related cognitive decline, which could be a protective factor against diseases like Alzheimer’s.

In conclusion, encouraging bilingualism from an early age not only gives your children the chance to communicate in more than one language but also grants them significant cognitive and academic advantages.

Contact us if you wish to offer a quality private bilingual education to your children, grandchildren, or nephews and nieces, and promote bilingual learning from a young age. It would be an honor to advise you!

At BMS we offer accompaniment and care from early childhood, first-level training, and complementary education; All in the same place.

Academic levels


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